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Category Archives: music

Stuff related to music.

Most of the time I just don’t feel like posting blog things, despite news. Maybe it’s the lack of following. Anyway, most of the important finds you’ll see anyway through Youtube subscription, no need for me to recap it here separately.

So, here’s something you probably don’t know even if you are a subscriber. The Killer7 solo-Garcian run fizzled out. I successfully played through the two first levels, tested third level, defeated Ayame boss fights and then enjoyed a bit of survival challenges around the hotel floors (during “Smile”). That shall be it for now. What else? God of War III glitch FAQ is around the corner, soon to be published. I also spent a decent while glitching Assassin’s Creed – the results are readable from Speeddemosarchive’s forum, to which I happily divulged almost everything as soon as it was found. Too bad the structure of the game is so linear that sequence breaking simply does not pay off…!

Then, as an experiment, I started a Youtube-account to which I upload music I’ve made. I guarantee that it’s original and that it’s seen a lot of work, but that’s where my promises stop.

I’ve begun rating the metal collection of Jamendo. This is a project that will last indefinitely – until I run out of steam or patience. So far the results have been amiable. See this list for my chronicling work thus far. Any suggestions for interesting metal you know is situated on Jamendo?

1. CoO glitch FAQ has been uploaded at GameFAQs.
2. I’m year older since last september.
3. New Kotinäky was published on Jamendo.
4. Got an electric guitar. Work on doom metal projects can continue.
5. I began a new Silent Hill 4 speedrun, which strives for perfection, and I utilize the newfound continue abuse movement trick in it. It might take a while ’til it’s finished, since I’m not feeling particularly motivated. I saved before picking up the Doll Key (because saving here allows for a new route with continue movement abuse) with time of 00:20 (2 mins faster than respective savepoint of the other test run.)
6. I’m attempting to TAS Game Boy Colour’s Xena. I’ve found loads of interesting glitches for it. However, like with the above, my motivation is currently on music and not games.

A new mini-release from Ristikiehtova before the destructive LP next year… Hear it if your intuition tells you to do so. Genre: symphonic/conceptual mood music.

Free music

Apparently this thing has to be put up for show to get that certification from Jamendo.

They were the best of the bunch. Very tight playing, and overall just a compelling performance. Damriel sounds better live than he sounds on their demos, this was a positive surprise as well.

If there was something bad about the evening, it was the volume. Serpenthia is complex enough music to really suffer if distortion starts suffocating the melody lines (and more).

They mentioned that they had a total of three new members on the stage. If I had to guess, I would say that they were the drummer, synth player and bassist… (I’d have to ask Ilja to be totally sure)

If they happen to go live somewhere nearby again, I’ll almost certainly go. It was worth it, IMO. (well, there was no entrance fee either to Scream, so the price wasn’t very big in the first place.)

Siren 2 deathruns have kicked off!

– Ristikiehtova released a compilation album with many rarities from the past. However, I feel inclined to warn you that it’s not an easy listen.

– New Kotinäky is coming along at a nice pace. About 18 minutes have already been made…

– I’m still waiting Ilja to get off his ass and upload Serpenthia‘s “Of Descent and Betrayal” to Jamendo! It’s just a lot more convenient site than Mikseri.

– Did a Metal Gear Solid 3 death run, as well as the next installation for Siren death runs. Only one more installation to go… EDIT: Here it is. Also did a small glitch vid about the spider enemies.

– I’ve been thinking of starting a Siren 2 death run series. But it seems less fun. To think of it, Siren 1 was the optimal game for deathrunning. My video series is almost like a tribute to its insane difficulty level. Not to mention several of the characters have funny as hell death animations, like Tamon…

Musictrade is showing interest in Ristikiehtova. Hopefully we can co-operate at some point.

EDIT: Finished another Siren 2 speedrun. I’m really hoping to get this project over soon. The levels are getting more and more unfair.

– I’m starting university these days, and as such time and energy for games has been a bit low lately.

– One new deathspeedrunner has emerged from finland. He already made two runs, for Penumbra: Black Plague and Revenge of the Shinobi. New: Tomb Raider 3 deathrun.

– A passing thought: many NES games with “one-hit-point-wonders” would be pretty nice to deathrun.

– New Kotinäky is already on the way. As is new Ristikiehtova and also the elusive… “Iltamekanismi.” Also, Ristikiehtova compilation album is slowly being put together, with the total length amassing perhaps even an impressive 60 minutes!

First LP of my relatively new music project Kotinäky.
Genre: ritual electronic. Length: 37 and ½ mins.

album cover

It is freely downloadable from Jamendo. (click the picture for more info)