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Monthly Archives: March 2009

Diablo II, a game I’ve been playing on and off for SUCH a long time. Recently I picked it up again to finish up some business which still bugged me, such as certain experimental character builds.

My style of playing for this period is quick, fair and detached from material possessions: it is done on Europe HC ladder, magic finding and leveling is kept to a minimum and character deaths (which I actively try to avoid, but you know those wacky PKs) are considered mostly inconsequential, with no useless moping between the characters which are still in assembly line. An efficient approach – and as such I hopefully get this game out of my system again less than a month from now.

In the past I did my share of grinding and trading just to get the right balance of equipment… Read More »

It suddenly dawned upon me that a no-running run of Siren would be so horrible it would drive anyone attempting it into madness.

Sure, there’s no traditional button for controlling running and walking in this game. The closest thing to it is the R2-button, which controls first-person view, during which you can only walk. Manageable, yes, even though a bit cumbersome. The FPV would be an interesting atmospheric trait, though.

The real nightmare begins when you step off the drawing board into the actual game itself. Can’t outrun anything. Absolute stealth would be necessary… and regardless you’d die at a couple of spots during the game, like at Risa’s Day 1 – 22:00 start and possibly during the transition between final bosses, when you are chased with a sword.

Ah, I’ve been caught with walk-run-itis. Maybe I need to process this, see what can be resolved and what not.

EDIT: interestingly, Risa’s D1 22:00 is doable! The door to storage is close enough for you to walk there, and after you get in, you can hide behind the door and ward off Mina this way. Haven’t found a solution for Kyoya’s D3 23:00, though.