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Category Archives: God of War

Related to God of War and its sequels.

Most of the time I just don’t feel like posting blog things, despite news. Maybe it’s the lack of following. Anyway, most of the important finds you’ll see anyway through Youtube subscription, no need for me to recap it here separately.

So, here’s something you probably don’t know even if you are a subscriber. The Killer7 solo-Garcian run fizzled out. I successfully played through the two first levels, tested third level, defeated Ayame boss fights and then enjoyed a bit of survival challenges around the hotel floors (during “Smile”). That shall be it for now. What else? God of War III glitch FAQ is around the corner, soon to be published. I also spent a decent while glitching Assassin’s Creed – the results are readable from Speeddemosarchive’s forum, to which I happily divulged almost everything as soon as it was found. Too bad the structure of the game is so linear that sequence breaking simply does not pay off…!

Then, as an experiment, I started a Youtube-account to which I upload music I’ve made. I guarantee that it’s original and that it’s seen a lot of work, but that’s where my promises stop.

1. CoO glitch FAQ has been uploaded at GameFAQs.
2. I’m year older since last september.
3. New Kotinäky was published on Jamendo.
4. Got an electric guitar. Work on doom metal projects can continue.
5. I began a new Silent Hill 4 speedrun, which strives for perfection, and I utilize the newfound continue abuse movement trick in it. It might take a while ’til it’s finished, since I’m not feeling particularly motivated. I saved before picking up the Doll Key (because saving here allows for a new route with continue movement abuse) with time of 00:20 (2 mins faster than respective savepoint of the other test run.)
6. I’m attempting to TAS Game Boy Colour’s Xena. I’ve found loads of interesting glitches for it. However, like with the above, my motivation is currently on music and not games.

A link to the thread which deposits information on any and all glitches I manage to find from this game. Which is a fair amount so far.

EDIT: just to note, you can’t see the thread unless you’ve registered to the forums… and it might not be easy to get an account from there. So never mind this post.

EDIT 2: I’m eventually going to publish a CoO glitch FAQ, so just hang on ’til then.

Has this been a good month!

+ first of all, a new, earlier swimming glitch location will save us 10 minutes bare minimum from BP games.
+ a 2-minute skip was realized at the Sacrifice to the Fates
+ other small skips (by GMG and others too), and then…
+ this. Just take a look and tell me if that’s not broken.

It has finally been published. Took quite a long time to write, and it still isn’t completely done. What can I say? The game has lots of glitches. 🙂

The weapon sub-weapon switching, a.k.a. cyclecancelling, can be used for so many purposes…

+ high jump
+ breaking out of stone instantly
+ cancelling special moves into something else
+ screwing up QTE’s
+ screwing up insta-death triggers (still under experiment)

There’s still a whole realm of new stuff to try out.

+ changed layout to using plus-signs because it gives a more positive impression!

+ Finished Siren 2 HARD Time Trial mode! You will not have to beat Ichifuji’s secret level in order to get the bonus video, thus no video of it is included… Some of the runs could be improved, but right now I’m just happy I got this over with.

+ by accident found a glitched item from Kanae’s stage. Made a video of it too. EDIT: and of a behaviour glitch at Akiko’s second level.

+ I’m feeling tempted to do a God of War speedrun. Also, after I finish the glitch FAQ for good I will probably move on to do a God of War II glitch FAQ.

It’s coming along nicely!

Newest version: 1.7, updated 17. 8. 2008. It’s pretty much complete.

GoW swimming glitch FAQ v. 1.7

An info package on the music glitch in GoW. Newest version: 1.2, updated 10. 7. 2009.

GoW music glitch FAQ 1.2